Archive for January, 2010

interlocutory: West’s Encyclopedia of American Law (Full Article) from

January 27, 2010

adj. Law

Pronounced or decided during the course of an action or suit and merely temporary or provisional in nature: an interlocutory decree.

via interlocutory: West’s Encyclopedia of American Law (Full Article) from

Spite Definition | Definition of Spite at

January 25, 2010

spite, spiteful


1. a malicious, usually petty, desire to harm, annoy, frustrate, or humiliate another person; bitter ill will; malice.

2. a particular instance of such an attitude or action; grudge.

3. Obsolete. something that causes vexation; annoyance.

–verb (used with object)

4. to treat with spite or malice.

5. to annoy or thwart, out of spite.

6. to fill with spite; vex; offend.


7. cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face. nose (def. 23).

8. in spite of, in disregard or defiance of; notwithstanding; despite: She arrived at school on time in spite of the snowstorm.


1250–1300; ME; aph. var. of despite

Related forms:

spiteless, adjective


1. malevolence, maliciousness, rancor, venom, spleen. See grudge. 7. See notwithstanding.

via Spite Definition | Definition of Spite at

Angler Definition | Definition of Angler at

January 17, 2010



1. a person who fishes with a hook and line.

2. a person who gets or tries to get something through scheming.

3. Also called allmouth, anglerfish, goosefish, lotte, monkfish. any large pediculate fish of the family Lophiidae, esp. Lophius americanus, found along the Atlantic coast of America, having an immense mouth and a large, depressed head to which is attached a wormlike filament for luring prey.

4. Also called anglerfish. any of various related fishes of the order Lophiiformes.


1545–55; angle 2 + -er 1

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Indemnify Definition | Definition of Indemnify at

January 12, 2010


–verb (used with object), -fied, -fy⋅ing.

1. to compensate for damage or loss sustained, expense incurred, etc.

2. to guard or secure against anticipated loss; give security against (future damage or liability).


1605–15; < L indemni(s) without loss (see indemnity ) + -fy

Related forms:

in⋅dem⋅ni⋅fi⋅er, noun


1. recompense, reimburse, repay.

via Indemnify Definition | Definition of Indemnify at

Required to produce each and every primary, contributing and/or excess insurance agreement which may be liable to satisfy part or all of a judgment which may be entered in the within action or to indemnify or reimburse for payments made to satisfy the judgment and each and every insurance agreement in which the insurer is obligated to defend this action.

…if I get sued, they can indemnify (‘compensate’) me (???)

Commendation Definition | Definition of Commendation at

January 10, 2010



1. the act of commending; recommendation; praise: commendation for a job well done.

2. something that commends, as a formal recommendation or an official citation or award: a commendation for bravery.

3. Feudal Law. the placing of oneself or one’s land under the protection of a lord so as to become his vassal.

4. commendations, Archaic. a complimentary greeting or message.


1175–1225; ME commendacioun (< AF) < L commendātiōn- (s. of commendātiō) a commending to God. See commend, -ation


1. approval, approbation, applause. 2. eulogy, encomium, panegyric, laudation.


1, 2. condemnation.

via Commendation Definition | Definition of Commendation at

The politician deserves commendation for catching those lapses.

Mete Definition | Definition of Mete at

January 10, 2010


–verb (used with object), met⋅ed, met⋅ing.

1. to distribute or apportion by measure; allot; dole (usually fol. by out): to mete out punishment.

2. Archaic. to measure.


bef. 900; ME; OE metan; c. D meten, ON meta, Goth mitan, G messen to measure, Gk mdesthai to ponder


1. deal, measure, parcel.

via Mete Definition | Definition of Mete at

Precocious Definition | Definition of Precocious at

January 10, 2010



1. unusually advanced or mature in development, esp. mental development: a precocious child.

2. prematurely developed, as the mind, faculties, etc.

3. of or pertaining to premature development.

4. Botany.

a. flowering, fruiting, or ripening early, as plants or fruit.

b. bearing blossoms before leaves, as plants.

c. appearing before leaves, as flowers.


1640–50; L praecoci-, s. of praecox (see precocity ) + -ous

Related forms:

pre⋅co⋅cious⋅ly, adverb

pre⋅co⋅cious⋅ness, noun

via Precocious Definition | Definition of Precocious at

Poignantly Definition | Definition of Poignantly at

January 9, 2010



1. keenly distressing to the feelings: poignant regret.

2. keen or strong in mental appeal: a subject of poignant interest.

3. affecting or moving the emotions: a poignant scene.

4. pungent to the smell: poignant cooking odors.


1350–1400; ME poynaunt < MF poignant, prp. of poindre < L pungere to prick, pierce. See pungent, -ant

Related forms:

poign⋅ant⋅ly, adverb


1. intense, sincere, heartfelt. 4. piquant, sharp.


1, 2. mild.

via Poignantly Definition | Definition of Poignantly at

Should prisoners, who go on hunger strike in protest of their conditions, be force-fed? Is God moral, amoral, or immoral? You are England in 1861, and the Confederate States of America ask for military aid in fighting the North, do you give it? Is tenure good or bad? Should the U.S. Government recognize Hamas? Should a father, who is denied the request of an early-stage abortion, with the caveats of consensual sex and a clear means to pay the abortion, be responsible to pay child support? Sharpening the skills and composure to excel when debating, especially poignantly hot issues…

Mandarining Definition | Definition of Mandarining at

January 8, 2010


Man`da*rin”ing\, n. (Dyeing) The process of giving an orange color to goods formed of animal tissue, as silk or wool, not by coloring matter, but by producing a certain change in the fiber by the action of dilute nitric acid. –Tomlinson.

via Mandarining Definition | Definition of Mandarining at

Teds Definition | Definition of Teds at

January 5, 2010


–verb (used with object), ted⋅ded, ted⋅ding.

to spread out for drying, as newly mown hay.


1400–50; late ME tedde; c. ON tethja to manure, OHG zettan to spread, Gk dateîsthai to divide

via Teds Definition | Definition of Teds at